Life Through Her Lens

I’m Raissa Aliva. A peculiar smexy mademoiselle tries to write her own life story. She is a multi-disciplinary writer who mainly focused her field on self-help, self-development, women empowerment and her silly enjoyment. Excited with fashion, beauty, movie and positive easy lifestyle. <3

This website gonna be filled with stories about the world through her lens – which is rosy colored glasses and glittery!!
You gotta see her ups and downs in this messed up world, her self-development, her soul-nourishing, her wisdom also her silly thoughts, simply anything about her in her own tiny world <3 <3 <3

Process The Rage & Sorrow

Everyday I witness more horrors on my screen from this genocide in Palestine. And all I can feel is rage, then deep sorrow at the same time. It’s like I’m screaming into the void.
You want to give up but also keep going.
You want to punch someone and run away.
You want to scream and cry.
You want to sleep and fight more.
All at the same time.
The rage is stirring within.

And then you come across someone who isn’t speaking about this. They pretend like a whole genocide/massacre isn’t happening. Now you’re silently enraged. It comes up in your throat like a lump and leaves as tears.

What’s happening is : your fight response has been triggered.

When we witness so much carnage, our survival instincts kick in. It makes your body feel like it’s in danger. That’s why you feel exhausted yet hyper at the same time.

The person staying silent, triggers the memories from everything you’ve witnessed as the genocide happening. You remember world leaders hosting concerts instead of sending help. Celebrities sharing their routines and parties instead of speaking about this. Influencers acting neutral so they don’t lose brand deals. They seems to leading a normal lives, unbothered about this.

And that person acting normal is a reminder of your reality…that you’re ok. And it makes you feel angry, because you don’t feel okay.

It’s the time for you to be able to process your emotions, instead of repressing them. Otherwise you’re going to get angry at the wrong people and misjudge everyone.

Here’s a few things I do to process my emotions :

– Hug myself. (cross your arms and gently rub.)
– Be in nature. (touch the grass or hug a tree.)
– Scream into your pillow. (vocalize your rage.)
– Move your body. (wave your arms, shake your hips.)
– Repeat a positive affirmation. (my fav part.)

I’ve been doing this a lot because injustice always enraged me. And this practice helped me to regulate my emotions. We need to regulate ourselves, so we can advocate for justice. We have to be okay, we have to be gentle to ourselves in this absurd time.

You gotta be focus on more loving to yourself and this ongoing disaster. Because they’re recording their hardships and sorrows for us to shift our attention.

Message to those who has been vocal about this genocide (including me) : 💪🏻🤍

I’m so proud of you, for feeling, for having a heart, for being human. I know the rage is stirring within. Angry, sad, hopeless all at the same time. It’s okay to feel all these emotions. But you’re stronger than your feelings. Be grateful that you have heart – the most powerful tool that’s connected to the One. It beats because of God. With the rhythm of humanity, you’re in tune with the song of life.

I want you to feel better, so you can continue to stand up. Now is the time, for you be more loving, than ever before. Because anger gets us nowhere. Don’t spend your energy on being angry at anyone that silent. You got this.

Keep telling yourself : “I’m proud of you.”

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